Different Wedding Venues

Destination weddings are becoming increasingly popular, with wedding coordinators getting on board with the idea of working with another in a different location. What this means for the soon-to-be married couple is that there is no limit on where the marriage ceremony can be conducted. The internet allows you to search for that perfect wedding venue worldwide and then begin preparations.

Wedding Venues For That Once-in-a-lifetime Unique Wedding Experience:

Wedding venues

Dracula’s Castle, Transylvania – Bran Castle is steeped in history as having ties to the man from whom inspiration for the Dracula tales came, Vlad the Impaler, but quite aside from its connection to Vlad the castle itself is extraordinarily well preserved. Sections can be rented for the ceremony and there are wonderful and unique backdrops for the wedding photography both within the castle walls and in the beautifully maintained gardens that surround the castle. If history, horror, and intrigue appeal then this may be the perfect wedding venue for your upcoming nuptials.

Shark Tank, New York – Saying your vows under an arch of glass through which you can see sharks swimming freely is not the top of some people’s wedding venue list, but for those who find aquariums tranquil and magical the Long Island Aquarium is the perfect place to say their ‘I Do’s’. The facilities offer various locations for the reception, with features such as an indoor waterfall, a view of the Peconic River and of course the 120,000-gallon Shark Exhibit, Lost City of Atlantis.

Singapore Zoo, Singapore – The zoo is one of the best and largest in the world and is a stunning location for a marriage ceremony. Imagine you and your guests enjoying the beauty and serenity of the zoo, surrounded by lions, tigers, monkeys and more. The bride has the option of arriving at the wedding venue by elephant, and then saying her vows to the man she is marrying, while guests (both human and wild animal) watch on, all from a position of safety of course. The newly married couple can then have their photographs taken with a giraffe or two poking their heads in to be included.

Treehouse, Loch Goil, Scotland – For the very small, intimate fairytale-like wedding the Tree House at The Lodge on Loch Goil is the place beautiful memories are made – romantic, magical and definitely reminiscent of a wedding venue straight out of a fairy tale story book. Tranquility, beautiful natural surroundings, and your closest friends and family members will make a wedding at the Tree House one that everyone present will remember.

The Great Wall of China, China – As one of the finest landmarks the world has to offer, a man-made feat that defies belief if you didn’t see it with your own eyes, the Great Wall is an amazing venue for a wedding. Many a love story has unfolded at the Great Wall, and as a photography backdrop there is very little that can match or surpass it. Once the ceremony has been completed there are several fine hotels in which to hold the reception, and accommodations are available for guests who may want to stay for a few days to explore the area further.