Bridesmaid Proposals

Choosing who will stand up with you at the altar on your wedding day can sometimes be challenging. Other times the choices are obvious and there is no need to stress over it. Once the decision has been made the bride must then ask if the women she has chosen will do her the honor of sharing in her special day. While sitting down over a cup of coffee and just asking is one way to let your friend or family member know that you want her in the bridal party, there are more creative and fun way to ‘pop the question’ to your potential bridesmaids.

Bridesmaids proposals
Necklace in a Glass of Wine – In similar fashion to when a man places an engagement ring in a glass of wine a bride can do the same when asking a woman to be her bridesmaid. You can have a small gathering of your girlfriends and female family members and put matching necklaces in each of the wine glasses your choices will drink from. Though they may wonder what the necklace is about you can then ask them collectively if they would do the honor of standing up with you on your wedding day. Naturally when they all say yes it calls for another glass of wine. Just be sure that the necklace is safe to put in wine as some wines will discolor metals.

Singing Telegram – People use singing telegrams for all sorts of reasons so why shouldn’t asking a woman to be your bridesmaid be a good enough reason? If you can be there to see her reaction it will be fun for both of you, but if not see if you can find someone who is willing to keep it a secret and video record the moment when the message is delivered. It will give you both something to laugh about in years to come.

Bottle of Wine – Make personalized wine bottle labels that simply ask “Will you be my bridesmaid?” and give them to the ladies you have chosen. If your chosen bridesmaid lives some distance from you, you can mail a bottle to her. Once the wine has been drunk she will have a keepsake of your wedding to treasure for years to come.

T-Shirts – What is easier than having “Will you be my bridesmaid?” printed on a t-shirt? You can either use a local t-shirt printing business (there are several in most cities) or use a Print on Demand service online. You can design the message yourself or if using a local service they may be able to do it for you. Once the t-shirts are ready you can pack them in gift bags and present them to your bridesmaid choices.

Jigsaw Puzzle – Giving the ladies you have chosen a jigsaw that when put together reveals the message asking them to be your bridesmaid is a fun and surprising way for them to find out you want them in your bridal party. It doesn’t need to be a huge puzzle; in fact if they can put it together in around 10 minutes it will be a good number of pieces. Find a company that will make personalized jigsaw puzzles for you and order the number you need.

Fortune Cookies – Do you and your girlfriends love Chinese food? Then fortune cookies are the way to ask them to be your bridesmaids. Host a girls night only at your place and arrange for them to each get a fortune cookie with the message inside asking them to be your bridesmaid. Buy a packet of fortune cookies and find the ones that have an opening large enough for you to slip the message inside. Alternatively you can find a company that will do it for you.
Make a Video – Whether you are close by each other or long distance a video message can be a nice way of making a bridesmaid proposal. Send it via text or email and wait for their reply. Chances are it will be quick in coming and will be a resounding “Yes!” The video will be something they can keep and if you plan on having a wedding memories website in the future it will be a nice addition to the fun stories, videos and photographs on the site.

Dog Delivery – Have you got a dog? Does your girlfriend like dogs? Write your message on a pretty card, place it in a plastic envelope to prevent it getting wet in your dog’s mouth, and send the dog up to your girlfriend with the message in its mouth.

Chocolates – Spell your message out in chocolates. There are companies that will make individual chocolates with letters of the alphabet on them. These can then be arranged into a pretty box so that they spell out your message to her. It will be a doubly sweet treat for her to open the box and not only discover that you want her to stand up with you but that she has chocolate to share with you too!