Surprise Your Guests

A wedding is such an intimate affair, typically with only close friends and family members being on the list of guests who have been invited to witness the joining of two people in matrimony. Weddings usually follow a schedule, with guests expected to make their own way to the venue (check out some cool and different wedding venues), to be seated where directed. For an unconventional couple there is a temptation to ‘change things up a bit’ and one of the ways to do that is to surprise the guests.

Fun and Exciting Ways To Surprise The Attendees at Your Wedding in Ways They Never Expected

Surprise your wedding guests
Arrive by Hot Air Balloon – Once seated at the marriage ceremony venue your guests will be expecting the bride to come from behind them and make her way up the center aisle to stand at the side of her husband-to-be. Imagine their surprise when you are slowly lowered to the ground in a hot air balloon. That would certainly make a dramatic entrance that provided you didn’t tell anyone about it would take everyone by surprise.

Create a Wedding Memories Website or Facebook Page – With the program for the wedding include instructions as to how your guests can access your wedding memories website and invite them to comment on the photos you post there. This will be a great way to get feedback from everyone who attended and for people to keep in touch. Make sure to send information via email or post to those who were not able to attend so they can comment to. Once your video comes back from the videographer it will be a nice touch to load that onto the website so those who didn’t see the ceremony in person can watch it on video.

Personalized Bottles of Wine – Have personalized labels attached to bottles of wine and give each guest one to take home with them so that they can open it on your 1 st wedding anniversary and celebrate in spirit with the two of you if not in person. The bottle can be kept once emptied as a keepsake of your wedding. For an added touch you can have your wedding details etched onto wine glasses and give one to each guest along with the bottle of wine so that should they want to dispose of the bottle once emptied they can keep the glass as a keepsake.

Song Requests – After the first dance is over have your guests request songs they want to hear and dance to. In this way everyone regardless of age will have at least one song that is a favorite to listen to. You can put a card on each guest’s plate requesting they write down a song or two so the musicians or DJ can find the music during the speeches in readiness for when everyone hits the dance floor.

End the Night on a Song – Provide the words to a special song that means something to you and your new spouse, and have everyone sing along to it towards the end of the evening. Have someone video record it so you can put it up on your wedding memories website for everyone who was there and those who were unable to make it to laugh over.

Make a Time Capsule – Ask your guests to write down where they think you will be in 10 years time, how many children you will have, what city and/or country you will be living in, what you will be doing for employment and any other things you can think of. You can have the questionnaires placed at each table setting and then ask them to fill in their guesses during the speeches. Once completed have someone gather them all up, place them in a container (a large glass jar will work) and seal it in readiness to bury it. In 10 years time you can dig it up and see how many people were accurate with their predictions.

Have Your Dog be the Ring Bearer – If you and your love are big dog lovers and own a dog place a ‘saddle’ made from a pillow and a strap around its chest. The rings can be placed on top of the pillow but pinned in place to prevent them falling off should the dog get a little excited and run to you. Alternatively you could have baskets placed on your dog that contain the rose petals to be spread up the aisle and the flower girl can lead the dog, tossing the petals as the two of them walk up the aisle towards the alter. Naturally this will only work if your dog is well behaved!

Perform a Choreographed Dance – While it is traditional for the first dance to be a waltz you can jazz things up a bit by performing a choreographed dance for your guests. Work with a professional dancer to come up with a dance that will knock their socks off! A tango is a dramatic and fun dance to perform, complete with red rose between the teeth. The two of you should change into appropriate costume so that it looks really authentic.